7 celebrities busted for smoking weed

Seeing red and blue lights flashing makes almost anyone twitch with anxiety if they’re sitting on a stash of green. Still, us common folk aren’t the only ones freaked at the sight of the po-po. Celebrities and those with lifestyles of the rich and famous still face the same terror getting caught holding onto marijuana. They can just afford better legal counsel than us regulars. Here are just seven celebrities who got busted for weed.

7. Carlos Henderson, Bronco’s Wide Receiver 

7 Celebrities Who Got Busted For Weed

While certainly far from the league of others making this list, Carlos Henderson’s arrest story deserves telling. Earlier this year police pulled Henderson and a friend over in Louisiana. Paranoid, Henderson scarfed the weed from under the passenger seat. Busted!  When the suspicious cops told him to say, “Ah,” after seeing the remainder of a J, they saw his green-colored tongue. Caught red-handed? More like “caught green-tongued”.

6. Bill Murray

7 Celebrities Who Got Busted For Weed

One of our favorite celebrities who got busted for weed is none other than Bill Murray. On his birthday in 1970, Murray attempted the ultimate trafficking. Enrolled in pre-med courses in Denver, he tried to transport weed through Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. A fellow passenger heard him joke about having a bomb. Joking about possessing explosives in an airport has never been advisable. Authorities searched him and his luggage. Instead of deadly weapons, they found ten pounds of weed.

5. Whitney Houston

7 Celebrities Who Got Busted For Weed

The late “I Wanna Dance With Somebody” singer also found herself caught green-handed at an airport. Whitney was ballsy enough to keep it in her handbag while waiting for a flight from Hawaii to San Francisco. After being searched, the diva refused to wait before police arrived and boarded her flight anyway.

4. Louis Armstrong

7 Celebrities Who Got Busted For Weed


The year 1930 was not easy for the cannabis crowd. Dark era though it was, jazz superstar Louis Armstrong still toked while tooting his horn. One night while enjoying some herb with his drummer Vic Berton, the police bust the two musicians. Unable to overcome their euphoria, the two spent the night giggling in the pen.

3. George Harrison

7 Celebrities Who Got Busted For Weed


Targeted by Norman Pilcher, a detective known for targeting stars with greener habits, Harrison’s was raided on Paul McCartney’s wedding day. Known for nabbing greats like Eric Clapton and Mick Jagger, Pilcher was excited to discover hashish on Harrison. Speaking of McCartney, he too was one of the many celebrities who got busted for weed. In Tokyo, no less. 

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